Friday, July 9, 2010

FLASHBACK! East Coast Girl Heads West, Vol 2 (or, Why I Hate Kansas)

Here's the update from my second day on the road.  Here I did not tell anyone that I was
alone, but did have quite the adventure!

I'll make this update much shorter, since it's late and I hate Kansas.  I mean, since I'm tired.  I have successfully made it to Golden, Colorado, home of Coors Brewery and best friend Erin!  The last two hours of my trip today were wonderful, but the first two hours were... well, more exciting...
I ran over a four-by-four.
And before you judge, no, I did not have time to swerve effectively, as I was in a work zone and had a guardrail to my left and a tractor trailer to my right.  Turns out, I did not plan on hitting a giant piece of wood.  Go figure.  So the tire (sans hubcap) looked okay when I stopped for the second tank of gas the first time, but not so hot when I stopped in Russel, Kansas.
Ahh Kansas.  If you ever want a fate worse than death, drive through Kansas. 
A Kansas mechanic did only charge me $12 to unbend my tire rim and patch the tire "the farmer's way" and assured me that I would be able to get where I needed to go.  So far, so good.  I have noticed that the tire is slightly flatter now that I'm in Colorado, but I feel like compared to the Rockies, everything seems flat.  Ha, ha.  Seriously, I've bought my can o' Fix-a-flat and am ready to take on Nevada tomorrow.  Or just Utah; we'll see how far the Suby goes! 
I'm having a lovely night in Golden (it's nice to be able to talk to someone face-to-face, especially when it involves margaritas and chocolate kahula cake!)  and will start my journey again tomorrow. 
Talk to you soon!
So I've now minimized my hate of Kansas, since the whole situation really wasn't that bad and I'm actually thinking that since I ran over the block of wood in Kansas City, MO, the blame should be on Missouri (which I have since visited and rather enjoyed, thanks to ADEC!)  I'm hoping the the general "awfulness" of what happened on Day 2 is about the level of bad stuff that happens to us on Coast to Coast 2010.  Luckily, I've got my AAA plus membership and my AAA car emergency kit (cheaper here even with shipping than it was anywhere else I looked, including target)  Think good thoughts for exactly 2 weeks from today when the adventure starts!


  1. OK. I'm old. I get confused easily - ask Elizabeth. Who's Torrey? Where's Elizabeth, Victoria and Abby? Help an old man.

    PS: Margaritas always make life easier.

  2. It's okay! I'm Torrey and Victoria (Torrey is a nickname that is pretty east-coast centered!) And the rest of the folks haven't posted yet, but I think we will all post when we are on the road together!
